Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Well I feel dumb. Its been how long? Two months since I last posted. I really need to be better at this. We even have events and exciting things to post about but that will have to wait when I actually have the pictures to load.
We are so blessed to be living in the place that we are and to be in the ward that we are in. The first week we attended church we thought it was us and then three rows of widows! But the next week showed us that there were a few young families to sit in between the rows of widows. We however choose to sit right in the middle of the row with widows on both sides. They are without a doubt the kindest people I have ever met. They have made us feel right at home from the first week. We love it here and I don't know if we can find a better ward to be a part of.
This semester has proven to be extremely busy for the both of us. I have been full time teaching and just turned in my huge Teacher Work Sample project this past Monday. Now I just have to wait and cross my fingers and hope I pass so I can graduate. Paul is super busy with all of his classes and endless homework each night. He never fails to tell a good story about an interesting individual he met on the Trax each day. I'm almost jealous of his public transportation experiences!
Right now we are just hanging on trying to make it to the end of the semester alive! We love it!!

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