Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Job!

I am so excited to say that I have accepted a job as a fourth grade teacher for Summit Academy! We feel so blessed to be given this opportunity. Heaven knows that we have been praying for a job so that we can survive another year. I honestly cannot believe that I am actually going to be a teacher! Of course I am already stressed out of my mind just thinking about the lesson plans, activities, students, tests, parents, EVERYTHING!! But the anxiety does not compare to the excitement and joy that I feel. All day everyday I visualize my classroom and what it will look like, how I will organize it, what books I'll have, where students will sit; I can't wait until I get into my room and start setting it all up. Every time I go shopping I am looking for items that I can use in my classroom and I spend a good amount of time looking for ideas on the internet; they say the best ideas are stolen from other teachers. The school year cannot come fast enough yet I have so much to do this summer! Bless these dear students who are about to embark on this new journey with me!

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