Monday, October 27, 2014


Thanks to Paul's amazing company we were able to explore a new piece of southern Utah. It was our first trip to Moab and it was beautiful. The majestic red rock, picturesque skies, and the last kiss of sun. Paul's boss rented Razors for people to climb the mountains; much to Paul's surprise he soon found himself obsessed with the new adventure. While he was out scaling the rocks Mallory took in the Arches scenery and explored the quaint town.

The three of us spent our last day hiking through Negro Bill Canyon, Double Arch, and the Windows. The hidden mysteries of the Earth are mesmerizing and I dare say that southern Utah holds a number of these wonders. 

Little miss Mallory is a dream traveler. The car ride lulls her sweetly to sleep and we hardly hear a peep from her. She is so interested with her surroundings that I would say she enjoyed the hikes just as much as we did. 

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