Friday, January 2, 2015

5 Months, Winter Fun, and Christmas!

Miss Mallory is 5 months old (older now) and I can hardly believe it! She is such a gem; we love her more than anything! 

She is an extreme chatter box and gives the biggest smiles but you wouldn't know it unless you come to our house. She is a quiet shy little thing when she's out in the world. Mallory is starting to try new foods but we have yet to find one that she actually enjoys eating. She loves to have independent play time and chew on anything in reach. She is just starting to become interested in stretching to reach as far as she can which leads to many face plants. We have only had one successful roll but we are working hard to do more! 

We tried to make an effort to do Christmasy activities this year to make the season last as long as we could. We went to the Festival of Trees and saw my cousins tree that was dedicated to my sweet baby cousin and aunt and uncle who passed away. We walked around the Riverwoods and saw the beautiful lights. Miss Mallory got to meet Santa and to our surprise she didn't even cry!

 It wouldn't have been Christmas without every treat we could whip up: sugar cookies, ginger snaps, mint cookies, chex mix, coconut popcorn, shortbread cookies and more!

We watched all of our favorite Christmas movies while enjoying deliciously warm hot cocoa. We attended the Lee Family Ugly Sweater Christmas Party which was a blast.

We were lucky enough to travel to Pittsburgh to visit President and Sister Johnson. We had a fabulous time seeing the city for the first time, playing games with the family, going on hikes, playing at the park, and getting to know our sweet cousins.

Mallory was a dream on the plane rides. She sat quietly playing with her toys, drank all of our water, or fell asleep in amazing positions. We discovered her first tooth on our way there but sadly it disappeared before the plane landed; very mysterious.


We had a beautiful Christmas celebration with the clan and were so sad to leave all of the fun. Dearest Emilie provided us with Cleveland Cavaliers fan gear which was put on immediately.

Paul and Andrew made their annual AMAZING gingerbread house.

 We can't wait for our next visit!

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait for your next visit either!!!! Loved having you here!
