Wednesday, January 21, 2015

6 Months!

This baby is 6 months old!

Mallory is growing up and growing into her own personality. At this young age she already knows what she wants and what she doesn't. We are trying our best to find foods that she enjoys eating and so far our only winners are Nilla Wafer cookies and Mum Mums; not exactly healthy choices. We've tried sweet potatoes, carrots, avocado, bananas, applesauce, and pears. She takes a couple bites with her nose turned up and then starts to spit it out at us. Her true love is water. She is mastering the skill of using her own sippy cup.

 The poor thing has been sick with a fever and we didn't know if we'd ever see her smile again. 

But she came out of it and is a brand new baby. She's a chatter box with a lot to say and with endless smiles. She has rolled a couple times but prefers that we do the work for her instead. Currently Mallory's favorite activity is playing the piano and playing peek-a-boo. She is getting good at falling asleep all by herself and sleeping through the night which I appreciate more than anything right now; people say those two things are liberating but it's much more than that.

Mallory also loves visiting some of her favorite people and dog. The Dickey family gives her so much loving attention and she is truly fascinated by the fluffy four legged creation.

 Mallory is a true daddy's girl, we knew that from the start, she gives him the biggest grins and giggles when he gets home from work. We can't believe how quickly time is passing by; before we know it little Miss Mallory will be celebrating her first birthday! 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog! If I ever need to have a little boost I come be with Mallory and her great parents and I feel happy! Happy half birthday to Mallory! She brings so much JOY to the family! Kisses and hugs!
