Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Early Spring?!

We haven't had much winter weather lately which has been nice for us to get out but it won't be great come summer if we have to deal with a drought. Paul has been working on projects of course and Mallory is the best helper to have around. She absolutely loves watching and help her dad work hard. 

She absolutely loves her dad. 

We visited the farms at Thanksgiving Point this past week (we are super excited for the gardens to open and especially for the tulip festival). It's funny to have to pay and drive to visit a farm after growing up with one as your back yard. Emily's kids love all the animals: naming them and telling us what they say. Mallory just likes to stare at them and she loves her cousins that dote on her. She truly enjoyed that horse back ride though. She rode the little pony named Pistol. Poor guy had his mane pulled a few times but he was a good sport to give us a ride. 

Poor little girl is getting frustrated not being able to move and get where she wants to be. We want her to crawl so she can be happy and go where she wants though I don't think we'll really be ready for chasing her around and making sure everything is Mallory proofed! She's a master roller and loves to stand up tall. She thinks she a big girl! 

Yay for Mallory! 

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