Sunday, April 19, 2015

Nine Months!

The Little Miss is nine months old now! She is looking and acting less like a little baby and more like a little girl. She has the most expressive personality always letting us know exactly how she feels and what she wants. Within two short weeks she started army crawling and mastered actual crawling and can get where she wants! 

Though she can crawl, Mallory prefers to walk. She pulls herself up on anything and then walks her way around the room; moving from the couch to the coffee table to the piano to the wall and around and around. Sometimes she forgets she is only a baby and lets go of her assistance--to her credit she can usually stand along for a few seconds. I fear she will be walking like a big girl in no time! 

I honestly don't know why we even buy toys because she wants to play with everything but them. She wants to be helpful with any task; gardening, laundry, cooking, cleaning--she's always right next to you eating the dirt, unfolding the clothes, playing in the flower or pressing her hands and face to any surface! 

She is a fantastic eater when she's in the mood. She will literally eat or at least try anything we are eating and she can gum down. Her favorite from the beginning has been pasta and strawberries. She has now moved into a love for oranges and peas. When Mallory decides she's had enough she simply throws her sippy cup on the floor looks at us and screams. We're trying to teach her a sign instead of screaming; she stares at us while we show her and then starts to scream again---like I said, a rather expressive personality.  

We had a busy last month going to Texas, Easter dinner at Grandma Lee's house, the Tulip Festival with our friends, and a duathlon race! 

Four generations! 

Easter spoils with Grandma! 

Our boyfriend Jude Neves! 

Our best friend Daphne Burke! 

I ran/biked in the Legacy Parkway Trail Duathlon and I had a blast! It was a 3.1 mile run followed by a 23 mile bike ride and finished up with a 3.1 mile run again. My legs felt like jello by the end of it and I thought I wouldn't make it but I did. I finished first in my age group and twelfth overall! A huge surprise! I've got another duathlon next month and hopefully I can finish that one too! 



Mallory has some great skills now. She waves goodbye and hello, when she feels like it she can tell you what the fishy and the tiger says. Her laugh and smile are infectious- her dad always brightens her day when he comes home from work! We love our little Mallory! 

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