Thursday, August 7, 2014

Welcome to Mallory Johnson!

We finally got to meet our precious daughter, Mallory late Saturday July 19th.

 The labor was long and difficult lasting a good 30 hours but in the end it was all worth it. I cannot describe the overwhelming feeling of joy and love that we immediately felt for our little girl. We were so surprised that she had such a head of hair! She was and is absolutely perfect. I didn't think I could ever be so attached to something so quickly. And Paul had no idea how much he loved having a newborn baby. Before she arrived he was afraid that she would be boring and he wouldn't ever want to hold her and to our surprise that is ALL he wants to do. He got to take off about a week from work and during that time he just wanted to hold and snuggle her. I think he new favorite hobby is taking a nap while she lays on his chest. She i now approaching three weeks and we can't even believe it. Part of me feels like she has always been here and another part of me feels like the time is just flying. She is our pride and joy and we love her more than anything. Every day we talk about how obsessed we are with her and how we can't wait for all of the exciting moments we get to share with her. 

We said we thought it was silly to take your week old baby to a photo shoot---but look what we did! Paul insisted that she was just too cute and perfect not to. I thought it would a more difficult experience that it turned out to be. She is such a good baby she just cooperated like a champ. And now we are so grateful we have these precious memories preserved. She has already grown and changed! 

1 comment:

  1. I want to be the first to tell you how beautiful you all are and how much we love you! Congratulations! We are so proud of you and grateful you are family. Mallory is precious!
