Saturday, October 25, 2014

Three Months!

Three months old and a whole new baby! This little girl loves to sit up and stand up. She talks constantly and it's the cutest. 

She is extremely happy in the morning smiling and happily chatting away--we don't know how we got a morning child. In the afternoon she also loves to talk and tell stories but it is in a much more serious tone. This girl has a lot to talk about. 

Mallory has really taken to her toys now; her best friend is Jerry her giraffe. 

Our biggest struggle is getting the little tyke to fall asleep on her own in hopes to help her sleep through the night. 

She is one heck of a trooper. Unfortunately she is starting to show more of her mothers qualities--extreme stubbornness. I'm not worried one bit about her--she has proven that she can hold her own. Every day is a precious fleeting moment that we are trying to cherish. Where is the time going?! 

1 comment:

  1. Mallory is such a beauty! She has such bright eyes and looks like she knows exactly what she is talking about! Kisses from Grammie! xoxoxo
