Sunday, March 1, 2015

7 Months!

Well another month has passed by so quickly and Miss Mallory is now 7 months old! Bless her little heart she spent many weeks feeling so sick; this Utah winter has been an awful one for illnesses. But once she felt better she graced us with a strong personality that was just waiting to come out.

She is a master roller. Within seconds she has made her way across the room--next step is crawling and we'll cross that bridge when it gets here. Mallory is such a happy little girl with endless giggles and smiles. 

We have made great progress in the food department. After pureeing many batches of carrots, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, bananas, and more we discovered she just wanted the real deal. No puree for her she wants the actual food. Now she'll eat most any thing. We have to laugh because she'll sit there and shake her head at you while she smiles and accepts the food. She very much takes after her parents in the carb department. She loves to eat strawberries and to eat bananas we top them with peanut butter. Poor girl is going to share the same diet as her mother! 

One of Mallory's favorite activities is standing. She stands in her saucer bouncer, 

in her exersaucer,

her bumper bouncer Dudley, 

and anything she can hold on to.

 We've enjoyed going to the Museum of Natural Curiosity- she is a little young but she enjoys some of the activities like the water table and the music room and she really likes watching the people. 

We've had unusually warm weather this winter which has allowed us time for  many walks and  time at the park. 

Mallory is a great sport and spends countless hours with me in the kitchen. I try to keep her occupied with spatulas, measure cups, and other miscellaneous toys but sometimes she gets a little mischievous when I turn my back. 


She's the sweetest little dear and we love her so very much.

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog! It is like Mallory is growing before our very eyes! She has smiling eyes! What a beautiful baby who is lucky to have such great parents. We love you and miss you!
