Sunday, June 28, 2015

Eleven Months!

Just one more month and we'll be celebrating Mallory's first birthday!

 I've been thinking a lot about last summer this week and how incredibly large and uncomfortable I was! I do not miss that at all (we'll have to time the next one a little better). Already I can say that we are having much more fun this summer than last. Poor Paul was freezing while sleeping underneath four blankets and I was so busy doing, well, what pregnant women do best--laying in our husbands basketball clothes while consuming an extra large and extra cold ice cream. This summer we've been going to Farm Country, the Gardens at Thanksgiving Point, splash pads, the park, the swimming pool, art festivals, and anywhere else Mallory will tag along to.

Mallory is beyond obsessed with being outside, especially when there is water to be played in. She accompanies me every morning to water our flower pots and then to the garden. We have a little kiddie pool that we splash around in the backyard. Paul is the best dad in the world for numerous reasons and one is that he is "always on the move" Our kids are never going to be bored with him around. He's packed our weekends with endless fun and in my head I'm cringing at the grumpy Mallory we will have by the end of the day-- but on the contrary, she is always extremely happy and easy by the end of the day. Bless her amazing dad! 

 Though she is rather challenged in the height department she has some great balance and all but runs around the house. Mallory still likes to push her walker around the house while screaming but her new favorite is to catch a ride on it, much like a segway. 

The really great thing about her being able to walk is that she now thinks she has to be a part of everything particularly kitchen affairs. If I am in the kitchen cleaning, preparing dinner, anything she is right at my feet, pushing my legs away from the cabinets with outstretched arms whining "Mama!" (the only time in which she says 'mama'" We have lowered the basketball hoop so she can shoot anything she can get to fit into the hoop, balls, blocks, books, phones, stuffed animals- literally anything. We are determined to make her an Olympic athlete--maybe we should try something more of a guarantee, curling? handball? trampoline? 

One of our favorite games to play is "how can i terrorize mom most effectively: sitting on her and grabbing every part of her face or bouncing on her throat" It's incredible fun; I think I enjoy it most of all. 

 I have a bad habit when we go shopping-- which is too often-- I pick up some random toy to entertain Mallory throughout the store. Of course she's an absolute gem while were going through the store that by the time I get up to the check out line I realize I've forgotten to ditch the toy. So, the only reasonable thing to do is buy it, right? The latest "store entertainment" purchase was a toy phone. It's been two days and I already have all the songs memorized (who comes up with these things and why do they have to be so incredibly annoying?) but she can't put the thing down. Carters, you win again.

My amazing cousin Amanda took family pictures this month and we couldn't be more pleased with them! Thank you Amanda! 

 We love our little girl and we love the summertime; thank heaven for Utah warmth and outdoor activities!

1 comment:

  1. I love this update! The family pictures are beautiful! We miss you all so much!
