Sunday, July 19, 2015

Happy Birthday!

Mallory is officially one! Part of me feels like it took forever and the other part feels like it flew by!
Grandma threw Mallory a pre-birthday party since we were ended out of town. The little turkeys had a blast playing the water and playing with the new toys.

We took Mallory to Seattle to celebrate her birthday...well Paul had a work conference there so we tagged along. We took her to all the wonderful hot spots in Enumclaw- you know, the Kettle, Oshios, old houses, toured Seattle, the sites! (Is it pathetic that our spots mostly revolve around food). 

The house we stayed in was a gorgeous little lake allowing us to swim and relax in the perfect Washington weather. 

Mallory felt about the same way as I feel about lake water; that it's generally too cold and it's more enjoyable to hang out on the dock :) 

Mallory was the dream vacationer....not. Despite the fact that we were two hours head of our usual schedule she thought it was good idea to start our days before the sun came up. So we went on 5 am walks, strolls on the lake front, serene paddles across the lake, and dress up. 

We teamed up with my dad and he showed us the ropes around his mountain, Mt. Rainier. It was absolutely beautiful; I can't believe that in the 18 years that I lived there I never went up there. We didn't bring our hiking backpack but luckily grandpa has a pack that is just the right size to shove a one year old into. 

We also took Mallory to the zoo, which turned out to be much larger than we remembered but she loved all of the animals. And of course we enjoyed more and more food! 

We came home from our exhausting trip and made Mallory a very tasty cake and had a very small party with the three of us celebrating our first year together. Needless to say, Mallory enjoyed the cake. 

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