Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New York

Over our spring break vacation this year we got to go to New York City to visit Emilie, Stephen, and Marc. We had an absolutely fantastic time with everyone and we had a hard time leaving them and coming back to Utah. We fist stayed at Emilie and Xavier's home in Harlem which is gorgeous! There we were able to snuggle and coo dear little Colette just after she had her fist birthday. Stephen was also gracious enough to allow us to stay in his place for a couple of nights. His place is located in a great part of the city with cute shops, bakeries, and restaurants. Those New Yorkers spoiled us with the most delicious food I have ever tasted. We had Italian fine dining, Japanese sushi, perfect Puerto Rican, and heavenly homemade delights. I can't even mention the desserts and pastries they introduced us to because I can't face all the calories I took in! We visited the Brooklyn Bridge, the new World Trade Center building, China Town, Rucker Park, saw the Newsies broadway, and so much more. Needless to say we had a wonderful vacation with the dearest of individuals stuffing ourselves silly, laughing uncontrollably, and everyone's favorite peek-a-boo with miss Colette.

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