Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Year 2013

Again, it's been an entire year since we last wrote on this blog! We have been so incredibly busy this past year. Paul graduated from the University of Utah last spring, he got a email marketing job for a real estate investment company, BuyPd, I stayed for another year at Summit Academy, we bought a house in Lehi, UT, and we are pregnant! The best way to show and document our past year is through pictures.

We have taken up hiking over the year. While living up in Sandy we found some great little hikes around our home. We hiked to some falls on the Fourth of July, we hiked up Snowbird with my mom, I hiked Mt. Timpanogos with Brad and Rosie and just this summer while eight months pregnant we hiked the Wind Caves in Logan Canyon. 

We also get our fair share of biking in. We have now biked around Bear Lake twice and ended our days with a day at the beach! The last picture is of me competing in the Salt to Saint race with my friend Molly and her family. 

We had a great time running in the dirty dash race which turned out to be a disgusting after feeling. We rescued a kitten from the road and gave her to a shelter. We spent hours at the park trying to learn how to slack line--which Paul of course is great at! 

We spent an amazing weekend celebrating our anniversary in St. George. We had a carefree time just having fun. We spent hours at the pool, we went to movies in the middle of the day, we visited the temple, played some mini golf, and of course ate amazing food! 

More recently we had to say goodbye to Paul's dear Grandpa. What a sweet man he was and how blessed we were to have him in our lives. He was a great example and has left a fantastic legacy behind him. 

Paul has taken up some new hobbies--as usual. He played in a softball league which unfortunately didn't pan out too well for them. He goes shooting with his Uncles and cousins and his getting pretty good. His work has been an amazing to him! It's a fun, casual, fast paced, and successful. They are always doing some new and crazy activity that they categorize as "team building." Last summer they held a three-on-three basketball tournament in their parking lot, they played in an indoor soccer league, a Halloween costume contest and party, and they had a bowling competition. The best part is that they always have costumes included. Needless to say, he's in love with his work! 

We signed for and bought a beautiful little home in Lehi, UT. We truly can't say that we ever really planned on staying in this state after graduating but here we are! It's a small three bedroom home with a beautiful yard. We knew it would be a ton of work but I don't think we realized how much "a ton" was! Paul has painted every room in our home and completely transformed this house into a home. We have also dug up weeds that have over grown and planted grass which is growing in patches. It has been fun to see our home transform from the winter wonderland to a summer haven. We have discovered a cherry tree, apricot tree, and an apple tree that we can't wait to partake of. We also started a small garden that we hope will bear some fruit for us. 

I ended my teaching career for now with an amazing group of students. I had such a great time teaching them, laughing with them, and learning with them. They were amazing bright and talented kids who showed great interest in learning. I loved every day with those sweet kids. I was sad to close that chapter of my life but I am ready for the chapter of motherhood to begin!

We found out we are pregnant with a little girl!!! She is due on July 14th and has her mother I am praying she doesn't come even a day late. My belly is growing tremendously and I feel like everything else on me is growing as well. We are so excited for her to come into our lives! Paul is going to be an amazing father and already shows that in how well he takes care of me. He has been so sensitive and attentive to me and my "needs"which are really more like wants. We are now only four short weeks away and it is all becoming more real. The reality of giving birth and being parents is starting to hit us--we pray each day that we are ready! 

So there was a brief walk through the past year of our lives. We feel like we have made huge steps and changes in our lives that we could not be more excited or happy with. Here's to the upcoming year and hopefully more posts to keep us updated! 

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