Sunday, July 6, 2014

Summer Fun

We have been trying our very best to make the most of the short summer that we have. We know that when baby girl comes our lives will change tremendously. Though I am no longer made for all of the fun we're used to we're doing what we can.

We have been going to the park and enjoying the early summer sunshine which has now turned into the blazing miserable heat that never leaves. It will be two o'clock in the morning and still in the high seventies which has proven to be a terrible pair with pregnancy. Our neighborhood has a fantastic park in the middle of it fully equipped with a playground, swing set, basketball court, pavilion and a huge field. We like to take our nightly walks around this idillic little park and occasionally stop and play some games. Bless Paul's heart it's usually him playing by himself and me sitting and watching do to the mass that is my belly. We also have a fishing hole near by which is fed from the tremendous Utah Lake. We haven't had any luck yet on the catching a fish but it is enjoyable to sit and enjoy the summer evenings outdoors.

Paul took me to my first Salt Lake Bees game this past month. I did not expect the crowd! It may just be a minor league team but my goodness are the fans loyal. We sat on the grass in the outfield in hopes to catch a homerun ball. Paul also ate a heart stopping, cholesterol clogging gourmet hotdog...apparently the taste was not worth the calories or near death experience. 

I have been busying myself with projects for the little miss and I hope the time put in will be worth it! I made her a plethora of headbands that I'm sure she will out grow in the first couple months. I also made her a little receiving blanket that I sure hope she appreciates. I made two blankets and have one to show for it! I also made myself a nursing scarf in hopes to make the art of motherhood modest for the public occasions. 

 Brad and Rosie left for Pittsburg last week. They've only been gone a week and it feels like it has been a year already--I'm sure it feels worse for them. They met all of their 260 missionaries in their first week out there. I can't even believe it! And Brad could greet them each by name! If that isn't a testament of the Lord being on their side I don't know what is. We were honored to be able to attend their setting apart in Elder Perry's office. He was such a sweet man and took his time to offer advice and council to not only Brad and Rosie but also Andrew who will be joining them soon. We pray for them every day! 

This summer has also allowed me to spend some time with my little twin niece and nephew. We have been to Salt Lake City, parks, museums, swimming, and so much more. They came over and went swimming in the little kiddie pool we have and despite the cold Ellie was in love with it. Jack on the other hand was not so much of a fan. We also discovered that there is purpose in the creation of swimming diapers. Poor Ellie could even put her legs together because her diaper was so full. Makes you wonder how they ever pee through those things. 

 I was so lucky to get to attend my best friend, McKenzie Bennett (now Boyce)'s wedding in the magnificent Salt Lake Temple. What a beautiful event it was and she couldn't have picked a more gorgeous temple to be sealed in. She was a beautiful bride and I a nine month pregnant women, just what you always dream of for a big event!

Lastly, my father is a dream and made my pregnancy much more enjoyable. On his drive back from Washington he took the time to purchase some of my most favorite meals. Oshio's Teryaki. My mouth waters each time I think of the heavenly taste. He bought be four meals and we ate them all without wasting a grain of rice. I know, crazy pregnancy hormones and cravings but I am grateful to have a father who is so indulging! The picture doesn't do it justice.

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