Monday, June 1, 2015

10 Months and Walking!!!

It's been over a month now since I've updated which only means so much has happened! Mallory is now 10 months (well technically 10 1/2 months) old.

 We are coming up on a year here before we know it! Her most impressive skill these days is that she can walk! She's an independent little creature and she never fails to show just how much that is true. It took her all of a week to go from one little baby step to walking full lengths of the house. I have to say since she has discovered this new fledged freedom she is the happiest little girl I've ever met!

She is now very interested in her toys and books and seems to prefer to play by herself for the most part. Even when we get with a bunch of friends and cousins she'll sit down alone and play. She literally gets into anything that she can reach and figure out how to open. We've installed baby locks, gates, and covers to deter any efforts. 

May was an incredibly busy month for us! Paul has been playing softball and Mallory and I go and watch when we can. Though it is usually more of Mallory crawling around in the dirt trying to eat rocks and me watching her and every once in a while glancing up at the scoreboard to see if it's even close. 

We were blessed to enjoy a fantastic evening having dinner at Flemings followed by Andrew's final performance with the Utah Youth Symphony. It was the most  beautiful concert we'd heard and were so proud of Drew! 

Mallory and I have been having a ton of fun while Paul is at work....sorry Paul. She is beyond obsessed with all animals but particularly dogs. We went to the zoo where Mallory "Ooo, ooo"'s for the entire trip.

 We go to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point where she also "Ooo, ooo"'s at every animal; it increasings to slight screams of joy while riding the ponies. 

We are so lucky to live near some very kind cousins. Jack and Ellie are always so sweet to Mallory making sure she has plenty of toys to play with and now that Mallory walks Ellie is always trying to hold her hand and walk around with her. They are the cutest.

We had the greatest privilege of having Brad and Rosie come to our home a few weeks ago and little miss had a ball with them. They were in town for an iPad training and we were so grateful that they had a few free hours to spend with us. So the whole gang from Logan came down and we made a weekend of it. 

We watched Andrew play in the state tennis tournament and he did so well. Mallory is obsessed with Andrew and therefore his hobbies. She watches him play the violin and tennis very intently. 

Paul's cousin Alisa passed away after years of battling cancer. Bless her little family. The funeral was one of the most inspirational and spiritual events I've attended. Paul and Jill both stood and spoke of their daughters life and the light that she was to all around her. Her husband Josh spoke with such love, admiration, and strength. She was a blessed soul and her memory will live with her family forever. 

We invaded Logan last weekend where I completed my second duathlon in Wellsville. I have to say it was a miserable two hours but I finished. It rained the entire race which made for very soggy shoes and hands I could hardly feel. I've never disliked biking before but I got pretty close that day. It was a 2.5 mile run followed by an 18 mile bike and then finished off with another 2.5 mile run. I placed first in my age group, 4th in all women, and 24th overall. The rain and cold were great motivators to go fast. 

Lindsey has come to Utah with cute little Reagan and all the cousins are having a blast. Thank goodness there is never a shortage of toys and attempts to share. So far we've just been running around playing at the park and grandmas and they seem to be having a ball! 

Paul also went up to Logan to see Drew graduate! Congratulation Andrew! 

And of course, when dad is all alone with you for a day of course he's going to take you to the salon for a hair cut. Good bye baby mullet. 

And after......

The summer is here and we are loving the warm weather and can't wait for our summer adventures to begin! 


  1. Will you please tell that baby to quit growing?? It too fast...too fast!!

    Great update Cait. I love this family to death!

  2. We absolutely loved getting to visit! What an angel baby girl that Mallory is! Thanks for treating us so well!
